Naturally Reduce Hormonal Acne - Beach Beauty Bar and Acne Clinic
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Naturally Reduce Hormonal Acne

We see it all of the time. Clients come to us with the dreaded hormonal acne. This is seen in kids and adults. Spikes or fluctuations in hormones may trigger an acne response in anyone.

However…and this is a big HOWEVER…when our clients work with us and are consistent with the dietary and lifestyle recommendations we make, they find that their hormonal acne is a thing of the past.

Do you want clear skin?

They sail through their cycle without even a pimple.

But for everything our hormones do for us, they’re still very much shrouded in mystery — you can’t see them. Hormones are chemical messengers secreted by glands that direct the function of various processes in your body, such as growth and development, metabolism, sexual function and reproduction, and mood.

So how do our hormones play a role in our skin health?

What Is Hormonal Acne?

The first question to answer is, “what IS hormonal acne?” Hormonal acne is also called “acne vulgaris,” which means “common acne.” Meaning it’s the most basic type of breakout.

Pimples form when pores are clogged by excess oil and other stuff, so it makes total sense that most breakouts happen on your face, back, chest, neck, and upper arms. These areas have the most sebaceous glands — hormone-influenced glands that produce oil on demand.

Breakouts are common in the teen years because that’s when hormones fluctuate the most. But that doesn’t mean adult acne isn’t a thing. It is very much a thing.

What Causes Hormonal Acne?

Everyone has a different sensitivity to certain hormones, meaning an increase in hormone levels that could cause one person to break out with acne could have no effect on a person with lower sensitivity to acne-causing hormones. 

So, which hormones are responsible for acne outbreaks? The biggest culprit appears to be testosterone — an androgen hormone that can stimulate sebum production and increase clogging of your hair follicles.

A whole mess of factors can cause plugged up pores, including:

  • bacteria
  • pore-clogging makeup and skin care products
  • genetics
  • some meds
  • hormones

How Hormonal Acne Affects Your Skin

Let’s discuss how hormones trigger breakouts. Bear with me for a moment while we have a mini biology lesson!

Hormones have a major role in the development of acne. Although the exact mechanism behind their powerful influence is unknown, we do know that androgen hormones gum up the follicle by triggering oil production.

Androgens are the so-called “male hormones” and are present in males and females. The testes, ovaries and the adrenal glands all produce androgens.

Other Things That Can Affect Your Skin

Genetics and skin

Acne is also hereditary. So if you have a family history of skin issues you’re more prone to have skin problems.

Diet and skin

Eating lots of foods with a high glycemic index (high-GI) causes acne. This is because high-GI foods food can affect your hormones. High-GI foods include: white bread, cookies, cakes, and pizza. We recommend taking a quality fish oil with a combined total 1500 mg of EPA and DHA to help reduce hormonal influx. Read more here about how to choose the best omega supplement for clear skin.

Your diet may be the culprit

Food is one of the primary contributors to fluctuating or increased hormone levels in our bodies. Follow an acne-safe diet (if you follow us or work with us, you know all of the details about this already) but for someone new to our world… eliminate soy and dairy for sure, and schedule an appointment with us to find out all of the other foods and supplements to avoid.

The typical American diet is acidic and high in saturated fats, processed grains, meat fats, and refined sugar. It is also low in fresh vegetables, fruit, fish, fiber, and antioxidants. Research has shown that this can cause an imbalance in testosterone and androgen levels, respectively. Therefore, a healthy diet is one form of natural treatment for hormonal acne.

Stay away from cow’s dairy (especially cow’s milk)

Research shows that dairy can cause acne due to high levels of iodine. While milk itself does not naturally contain iodine, farmers give their cows iodine-fortified feed to prevent infection. They also use iodine solutions to sanitize cow udders and milking equipment. As a result, the iodine gets into the milk itself.

Stress and skin

Stress produces cortisol. This is a stress hormone. High levels of cortisol can cause inflammation and occasionally cause inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis.

Sleep and skin

When you don’t get enough sleep your body produces more cortisol — leading to inflammation. Leading to outbreaks.

The Takeaway

Luckily, like other forms of acne, hormonal acne can be treated with a little patience. Using a combination of dietary changes and small changes to your lifestyle make it very possible to take control of your hormonal acne and minimize the effects of outbreaks. Everything from stress to genetics can contribute to hormonal acne.

There’s no one-size-fits-all diet for hormonal acne, but research suggests that eating low glycemic foods, ditching dairy, and opting for whole, fresh foods can help.

Combining a balanced diet with consistency can be more effective than trying just one thing.

It’s really quite simple. Clean up your diet. Change up your laundry routines/products. Clean up your facial products and Vwa-Lah…no more hormonal acne… not one pesky little pimple. Are you ready to go all in for clear skin? Schedule your initial consultation & let us help you get started on your clear skin journey!

Cheers to clear!


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