- Wasted months using ProActiv and have more pimples than when you started?
- Tired of the side effects from taking antibiotics, birth control, and accutane and still suffer from acne?
- Afflicted with acne since high school and finally accepted the fact that you’ll just have acne for the rest of your life?
Accutane, antibiotics, and products dispensed from vending machines at locals malls like candy. You’ve tried it all because...

- Do you wish that you had an expert to guide you to getting clear?
- Do you dream about the confident person you would be if you didn’t have acne?
- Do you know you are destined for greatness but how can you go after your dreams when you need clear-skin confidence to achieve them?
We understand the torment of acne and what it does to your confidence.
We have witnessed hundreds of transformations, and
we have seen sullen faces turn into smiling faces.

It is our greatest joy to walk our clients through this clear-skin journey, rooting them on and watching their lives change before our very eyes.

Rene, a licensed esthetician, owns Beach Beauty Bar & Acne Clinic, a skincare practice specializing in healing acne without harsh chemicals or toxic drugs. Rene is known for her compassionate approach to skincare…not only healing acne but healing hearts with her nurturing approach.
Samantha (Sammy) Cohn is a licensed esthetician and certified acne specialist who knows first-hand the devastating effects of cystic acne. Suffering from age 14, she tried everything she could get her hands on to clear her face, including ProActive, oral antibiotics and a whole slew of products that mainly contributed even more to the problem.

Sammy finally got clear when she began working with Rene at Beach Beauty Bar & Acne Clinic and committed to the clear skin program. She went from oozing pus to oozing confidence in about four months.
Rene and Sammy bring conscious and compassionate clearing to people who suffer from the devastating effects of acne. They have no greater joy than watching clients clear and their confidence return.

You wake up fresh-faced on a Saturday morning…a big stretch, yawn and off to the bathroom to brush your teeth and inspect your skin. Nothing…not one pesky pimple forming…Yippee! You throw your hair up in a pony-tail and out the door you go. You hit your local coffee joint, grab a latte, and chit chat with the regulars (something you don’t normally do). You are smiling. Not just on the outside but on the inside. You’re not just smiling, you’re gleaming. People compliment your radiant glow. You can’t believe that people are actually complimenting you and YOUR skin. Hop in the car and it’s off to yoga…with no makeup.

- Free from constantly checking your skin in the mirror.
- Free from worry about if your makeup is still covering everything.
- Free from fear of someone noticing your blemished skin.
- Free from wearing makeup EVERYWHERE including to the beach, to the gym and to bed with your boyfriend.
- Free to take hot yoga without worry that your makeup will be dripping all over your mat.
- Free to apply for any job with confidence.
- Free to proudly post your face on the dating app and have some romance in your life.

Our Success Stories Consistent Clear Confident
“I have been working Rene virtually for 4 months. It has been a great experience. Rene is very thorough and explains the process and changes to my regimen very well. We speak via Face time every two weeks and go over how my current regimen is working and what needs to be adjusted. I am completely clear after only a few months of working with Rene. I had tried for years over-the-counter products that just didn't work. I couldn't be happier.
I have found that she is very responsive at all times, the products she recommends are great and fairly priced too! This has been extremely convenient for me to speak virtually with an acne consultant since I live in an area where we don't have anyone locally. Rene has changed my skin and I can't thank her enough for her support and kindness.”
Meghan B, Jewelry Designer
I reached out to Beach Beauty Bar & Acne Clinic eight weeks before my wedding. I have suffered from acne since I was in my teens, and I have never found a solution that worked. I opted to purchase the full CLEAR SKIN VIRTUAL VIP BUNDLE, and I am so glad I did. Even though Rene warned me that I might break out even more in the beginning of the program, she provided some tips that literally kept me from purging, and actually I saw an immediate improvement within two weeks.
McKenna Nokes, college student and bride-to-be
My mom set me up on the virtual program while I was attending school at NYU. I had a Facetime consultation with Rene. We followed up every two weeks by Facetime, and I incorporated all of her recommendations. My skin cleared in about three months, and I couldn’t be happier. Now, I simply use Beachy Clean Skincare and follow the lifestyle and nutrition program I learned during the process.
Kalie M, law school student
Welcome and Quick Start Guide
Clear Skin Nutrition
A list of products that are acne-safe, including food products to hair and makeup products. |

Ready to Finally Get Clear Once and For All?

- Click the orange ‘I’m Ready to Get Clear’ Button Below
- Add the Clear Skin Virtual Program to the Cart
- Enter your payment information via our secured site
- Receive a welcome email with detailed instructions on how to schedule your initial consultation.
Do you guarantee that I will get clear?
Your nutritional choices greatly affect your results but you will absolutely clear your face, neck and body acne fully in 3-4 months if you follow our guidelines, lifestyle and nutritional instructions.
How long will it take to clear?
Everyone’s skin is different but some of our clients start seeing results in as little as 2 weeks. To fully clear your cystic acne, it generally takes 3-4 months.
Will the scarring go away?
Scarring continues to diminish the longer you continue to use Beachy Clean Skincare products. People who suffer from severe cystic acne will generally see much improvement in lightening of scars within six months.
Pitted scarring may lessen a little bit, but generally will require medical treatments to smooth the skin.
How long with the initial products last?
The initial products will last 2-3 months. We will include a product usage guide with the products.
How much are the products when I have to replace them?
The products range in price from $18 - $75. However most of the products fall into the range of $20-$45.
What makes this different from ProActiv, accutane, all those other ones that I’ve wasted money on?
ProActiv and accutane are one-size-fits-all solutions and can be very drying and irritating to the skin. Our program is gentle and our products are formulated to not irritate. You will be provided two moisturizers to keep dryness at bay. We have taken everything we provide to our clinic clients and recorded them into a library of videos that will answer all questions acne. If you don't find what you are looking for, we are always available for an online chat.
Can I do this program if I am pregnant?
Absolutely. We work with pregnant clients all of the time. We recommend you check with your doctor first, and we are happy to provide you a list of our active ingredients to review with your doctor.
Once I use the initial products provided, are replacement products included in this package?
Replacement products are not included in this package. They can be purchased online at BeachBeautyBar.com
Will it work for me if I am in my 50s or 60s?
Yes. 100 percent. We work with clients ranging in age from 12 to 65 years. We are acne detectives and will uncover the reasons behind your acne no matter what your age.
What is the refund policy?
We have a system that works; nutritional, lifestyle, and products. Deviating from any of those 3 effects the results you receive with our proven acne clearing system.
Because of this, we do not provide refunds. If you are having sensitivity to a product, we will work with you to exchange that product for another product in our gentle skincare line.

Rene and Sammy are extremely knowledgeable, super sweet and have your best interest at heart. I started treating with them in their clinic in Huntington Beach and began to see results within the first month. When I moved across the country, I continued treating with them virtually while attending college in Florida. I play college volleyball, and it comes with a lot of opportunities for acne to flourish. Rene and Sammy have open-ended communication constantly working with me to troubleshoot what might be triggering a breakout. They want to make sure everything I do is compatible with my face, including analyzing my birth control, and checking out my make-up and hair care. I also used the Light Stim daily and it was a game-changer for clearing and healing scars. I have been clear for close to two years now, and I still utilize the virtual coaching program.
Sammee T