Acne Safe Breakfast Bowl Recipe - Beach Beauty Bar and Acne Clinic
acne safe breakfast bowl

Acne Safe Breakfast Bowl Recipe

Do you skip breakfast?

Ever been in such a hurry getting ready for work or school in the morning that you miss breakfast?

Experts say that skipping breakfast may put you on the fast track to weight gain, heart disease, menstrual irregularity, low energy levels, and hormonal stress! If this is a habit of yours it’s worth putting in the effort to break it. Chronic stress increases levels of stress-related hormones such as cortisol and sends skin’s sebaceous oil glands into overdrive, which mixes with dead skin cells and breakout-causing bacteria.

Breakfast Burrito Sans Tortilla

Burritos are a Southern California food staple, but enter burrito bowl and well, well, well, what do we have here?! We get the same savory burrito taste we’re craving without all the hold me and fold me mess? Sign me up!

So, before we get started, let’s make sure these acne safe breakfast bowls won’t break you out! We have to watch the oils we use in food preparation (no canola, corn or peanut oils). We have to cut the cheese — literally — no dairy! So, we have identified our favorite cheese substitute. And, we have to limit the number of egg yolks we use.

Egg yolks contain iodine and iodine is not always our friend. When iodine is consumed, the body reduces it to its iodide component, which is then absorbed into the bloodstream to be used by the thyroid gland. Iodides are essential for the manufacture of hormones by the thyroid gland. When there’s more iodide than the body can use, the excess is excreted through the sweat glands. That’s where it can become a problem for your skin.

As it’s excreted, iodide irritates the pores and causes acne flare-ups. It’s especially troublesome to the susceptible pores in acne-prone skin. Large enough amounts can induce acne in even skin that’s normally clear. In fact, iodide is such a potent trigger for acne that it is often used in skin research to create acne. A few drops of potassium iodide on the skin spurs a quick acneic response for researchers to study.

A little iodine in your diet doesn’t hurt. In fact, it’s essential.

There’s still a way to enjoy that tex-mex meal your heart is longing for! A breakfast burrito bowl is a quick nutritious way to get your omegas, protein, carbs and veggie servings all in one shot. The best part about this recipe is you can whip it up in a jiffy with some common fresh ingredients we bet you already have on hand.

Our spin on Mexican-ish breakfast bowls -so easy, so tasty!

Acne Safe Breakfast Bowl Recipe


3 Egg whites

1 Egg with yolk

2 Tbsp water (can substitute almond milk or oat milk)

3 tsp olive oil (do not use canola, corn or peanut oil)

3 Tbsp Violife Cheddar Shreds

½ Cup diced potatoes (sauteed in olive oil)

1 Cup steamed broccoli *or swap for your veggie of choice


  1. To cook the eggs: In a medium mixing bowl, scramble the eggs with the water or your choice of non-dairy milk and a few twists of freshly ground black pepper. In a 10-inch non-stick or well-seasoned cast iron skillet, warm 2 teaspoons olive oil over medium heat until shimmering. Swirl the pan so it’s evenly coated with oil. Whisk your egg mixture one last time and pour it into the skillet.
  2. Scramble the eggs by gently stirring until it’s about 90 percent set. Remove the pan from the heat, and stir in the cheddar cheese shreds.
  3. Saute diced potatoes in 1 teaspoon olive oil over medium heat until brown.
  4. Steam broccoli until just tender (3-5 minutes) *careful not to over cook
  5. To assemble the bowl, add scrambled eggs, sauteed potatoes and steamed broccoli (or your choice of veggie).
  6. Serve with your favorite salsa or a drizzle of your favorite hot sauce and enjoy!
  7. For added yum factor: top with fresh cilantro, diced scallions, roasted tomatoes and a dollop of plant-based dairy free sour cream.

So, there you have it–an acne-safe breakfast bowl! Always remember that what we put in our body shows up on our face. Happy cooking and cheers to clear!


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