Acne-Safe Grilled Cheese - Beach Beauty Bar and Acne Clinic
acne-safe grilled cheese

Acne-Safe Grilled Cheese

Who doesn’t love an acne-safe grilled cheese sandwich?

Do you want clear skin?

The mere fact that we included the words “acne-safe” in the description might have you wondering…how could it possibly be good?

We get it.

One of the biggest concerns for our clients is how oh how they are going to give up dairy.

Dairy-Free Alternatives Have Become So Good

Yes, it’s true.

The food market has created some of the most delicious dairy-free cheese and butter alternatives, and we have combined them to create the most satisfying acne-safe grilled cheese sandwich.


Slather a generous layer of Myokos dairy-free butter on one side of each slice of bread. Place it in a medium heat skillet (butter side down). Layer in two to three slices of Follow Your Heart Medium Cheddar. You may also add in some thin sliced ham or tomatoes to doll up your sandwich. Place the second slice of bread on top of the cheese (butter side up). Once the bread is golden brown, flip it to allow the other side to get golden and delicious.

Cook it slowly so the cheese has time to melt completely.

We love this simple take on grilled cheese. Serve it with a yummy tomato soup and you are good to go!

Cheers to clear!


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