Acne Scars - Beach Beauty Bar and Acne Clinic

Acne Scars

Acne scars are usually the last thing to clear. We know that’s not what you want to hear, but it’s true.

Acne is a temporary problem, but acne scarring can be permanent. Unwelcome as they may be, scars are part of the skin’s normal healing process after it has been damaged by a wound or injury.

Do you want clear skin?

However, if you have a scar, you’re dealing with permanent skin damage that needs treatment in order to disappear. An acne scar changes the texture of the skin. If acne has left indentations, or raised spots, the damage has occurred at a deeper level in the skin. This “cobblestoning” effect indicates scarring that needs more treatment to diminish those markings.

Can Acne Scars Be Healed?

Achieving clear skin after a struggle with acne is a huge success.

However, for many people, it’s only half of the battle. Consequently, some people are left with discoloration and texture that lasts for years after their breakouts heal. So, what’s the best treatment for acne scars?

There is however a difference between acne marks and acne scars that needs to be addressed first.

Acne Marks vs. Acne Scars

Most pimples leave behind evidence. The good news is that acne scars can be treated.

Our hope is that their marks are superficial. If your skin remains smooth in dark or red areas, you simply have an acne mark. Those marks are not scars. They are just temporarily discolored pigment in your skin. It usually takes 3-6 months for the marks to disappear.

The best intervention for smooth skin is prevention. If you’re experiencing acne, you need to take steps to keep these scars from occurring. Treat new acne immediately, working with your skin care therapist to find the best treatment option for you. And don’t pop pimples!

You’ll just create more long-term damage.

What Causes Acne Scars?

Scars form when the skin is damaged.

With acne inflammation, different types of blood cells and collagen rush to the point where injury may repair the skin. But they can’t always return the skin back to normal, especially when severe acne doesn’t give the skin time to heal before it breaks out again.

Scars form because collagen fills in damaged skin areas in a column pattern that mimics the wound. The collagen binds the skin, but it also pulls the skin down and contracts it making it a different texture from surrounding skin.

Truth is, the pigmentation will go away with the proper home care and continual peel treatments but you will need to practice patience as these types of things won’t magically disappear overnight, unfortunately. Read more about healing your acne scars here.

Types of Acne Scars

When you’re ready to treat your acne scars, our first step is identifying what type you have. You may have one specific scar that bothers you or a combination of multiple types of scarring. Different treatments are effective for different types of scarring. Some common types of acne scars:

  • Ice pick scars are deep pits in the skin. Also known as pockmarks.
  • Boxcar scars are round or oval-shaped depressions.
  • Rolling scars happen when bands of scar tissue form under the skin. They give the skin an uneven appearance.
  • Atrophic scars are thinner and flatter than boxcar and rolling scars.
  • Hypertrophic scars have a raised appearance.
  • Keloid scars are thick and irregular with a lumpy appearance.

Preventing Acne Scars

If you know your skin is prone to acne scarring, the best thing you can do is work to prevent more scars as time goes on.

  • Prevent breakouts with proper skin care or facial treatments.
  • Don’t pick at breakouts; it can spread infection and increase the risk of scarring.
  • Quickly decrease inflammation. Use topical spot sulfur treatments or anti-inflammatories.
  • Use extra sunscreen when you’re breaking out. Dark spots caused by acne scarring may get darker with sun exposure. Wear SPF always — make sure you are using a great SPF… like UV shade or Ultra UV Shade

Also, pro tip!

Use your A Plus and Deep C religiously.

This powerhouse duo gives acne marks a run for their money, diminishing them more quickly than any other homecare products.

Developed with vitamin A propionate, peptides, mandelic acid, lactic acid, kojic acid, lactic acid, and salicylic acid, A Plus Refining Serum is the most advanced step to healthy skin; accelerating the natural process of cellular proliferation, generating new cell growth to improve and maintain skin tone, texture and firmness.

Vitamin C is an integral part of any skincare regimen but holds exceptional value for those struggling with scars. Not only does this antioxidant increase cell turnover, boosting the skin’s regeneration process and diminishing hyperpigmentation, it also supports collagen production which strongly enhances wound healing.

And, you cannot forget your sunscreen when you are working to diminish acne marks. Sun exposure will only darken your spots making them more of a challenge to eliminate. Always wear your SPF but especially when using serums with strong acids. Choose any of our acne-safe SPFs to keep the sun at bay.

Final Thoughts

Each person’s journey to heal their acne and minimize their scars is unique. There is no one-size-fits-all acne scar treatment plan. The best way to improve your skin texture is to see a licensed skincare therapist to create a regimen suited to your individual needs.

Are you ready to go all in for clear skin? If you’re a victim of acne scars, there’s no need to live with skin blemishes of the past.

Let us help you start the process of removing your scars, rest assured, you’re in good hands. For an acne scar treatment, schedule your initial consultation and we’ll get you the treatment that’s best for you.

Cheers to clear!


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