5 Back to School Tips for Clear Skin - Beach Beauty Bar and Acne Clinic

5 Back to School Tips for Clear Skin

Back to school is just around the corner for many of you. You’re probably feeling pretty good with that clear skin you’ve been sporting all summer long. But don’t forget to get back on the horse again with your skincare routine. Especially if you’ve been coasting by with minimal effort. People often think their acne clears up when they spend time by the ocean and in the salt water.  There is a reason that people on vacation probably clear their skin a bit (and falsely attribute the results to the seawater).

It’s more likely the fact that people are relaxed and less stressed on vacation. You may find that your acne clears up a lot or a little during the summer months. This is most likely because you aren’t in the middle of stressful school days, including juggling sports practices, etc.

Do you want clear skin?

Trying to maintain stress-free days as much as possible during the school year is easier said than done but there are a few tips you can get good at right at the end of summer just in time for a new school year.

Begin the year off right by incorporating these clear skin tips into your daily routines:

1. Cleanse and complete your nighttime skincare routine after arriving home from school and/or athletic practice for clear skin.

Shower as soon as you get home from a sweaty workout or sports practice and complete your nighttime routine right away. It allows the active ingredients more time on your skin and it also removes the dirt, grime, and sweat from your skin ASAP. You also won’t get too tired later in the evening to just go to bed and forget about doing your evening routine.

2. Ice in the evening or after school when done cleansing.

We know it can be a challenge to do in the morning when schedules are rushed, so make sure to do it at least once a day in the evening and also try to get it in twice a day on the weekends.

3. Plan ahead for acne-safe breakfast and lunch options and snacks.

Think celery sticks and almond butter, almond or cashew yogurt with berries, fresh veggies, and hummus (check the label for no soy), Siete corn tortilla chips and salsa, or a vanilla pea protein shake with added semi-sweet cocoa powder for a chocolate protein shake that tastes like a milkshake.

4. Get plenty of quality sleep.

Pulling “all-nighters” might seem like the thing to do during the school year, but getting good, restful sleep is essential for proper skin cell and tissue rejuvenation. Get back to school with clear skin by putting your quality of sleep first. Achieve restful sleep by clearing your head as much as possible before it hits the pillow. Don’t let your schoolwork or your social media streams be the last thing you see before you fall to sleep. Instead, pick up a “for fun” book, chat with a friend, or listen to music to wind down.

If you’re having trouble falling asleep at night, skip doom-scrolling and read a good book instead. Research shows that screen time can lead to insomnia, while just 12 minutes of reading can help your body get better rest.

5. Stay hydrated.

Dehydration has been known to cause dry skin, dark eye circles, and even acne. Stash a reusable water bottle in your satchel for on-the-go hydration, and instead of caffeine choose herbal tea or coconut water when possible. Being back to school can make it tough to have a consistent water intake for clear skin, but with a little effort, you can achieve optimal hydration!

Final Thoughts

Creating balance in your new routine may take some time, but it is achievable. Your skin will thank you as you continue to incorporate new and creative healthy lifestyle options into your daily life.

So, there you have it! Those are our tips for healthy, glowing skin this back-to-school season. We hope with this advice, you’re able to put your best face forward on your first day. May you ace all your classes and suffer minimal breakouts. Good luck this school year!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with your skincare routine, stressed about breakouts, or would like to start a skincare plan, we’re here to help! We are dedicated to helping students shine, and we will help walk you through your clear skin journey to ensure you’re set up for a great school year.

Schedule your appointment today so we can help to make sure the 2022 school year is as best as it can be!

Cheers to clear!


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