Living with Eczema and Acne - Beach Beauty Bar and Acne Clinic

Living with Eczema and Acne

Living with Eczema and Acne

Do you have eczema AND acne? Don’t feel bad, you’re not alone. Eczema is extremely common. Over 30 million Americans suffer with some form of it.

Do you want clear skin?

In fact, did you know there are 6 types of eczema? However, there are two common types that most people have – otherwise known as atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis.

Nevertheless, anyone with facial eczema knows firsthand how emotionally exhausting and uncomfortable it can be.

The good news is there are solutions as well as ways to keep your eczema under control.

But first…

What is eczema?

Eczema (also known as dermatitis) is a long-term condition that causes inflammation of the skin characterized by redness, swelling, itching and dryness, and cracking.

Sounds painful & it can be.

So what causes or triggers eczema?

When someone develops eczema, it can be a combination of allergens, irritants, or genes.

When your body comes in contact with one of these things, it triggers your immune system to over react like your husband when you buy a new pair of heels in every color because Macy was having a sale.

All that overreacting causes your body to produce inflammation causing eczema to flare up.

The first time your skin comes in contact with the new allergen it sends a piece of the allergen to your immune system for analysis. It stores it and its memory bank.

When you’re exposed to it over and over again it will develop an itchy skin response, so this is the tricky part because it can take several days for you to have a reaction and to figure out what it was you came in contact with.

This is why it’s important to be mindful of changes in your diet or skincare routines so you can pinpoint the irritant as quickly as possible.

There is a myriad of things that can trigger an eczema flare-up. Here are a few common ones.

  • Sun/hot weather
  • Sweating
  • Stress
  • Hormonal changes
  • Fragrances and other irritants in lotions, soaps or perfumes
  • Clothing and dish detergents
  • Allergens and germs
  • Food sensitivities
  • Extreme cold
  • Genetics

All that and it’s still important to note – not all people with eczema have the same triggers. So while a fragranced product may elicit a reaction in one person, it’s entirely possible it won’t in another.

This is why it’s important to see your doctor in order to determine if what you have is actually eczema and if so, to figure out the underlying cause (if it wasn’t inherited).

For instance, some people develop facial eczema after having an allergic reaction to eggs, peanuts, and/or shellfish. So, if allergies tend to run in your family, that’s definitely something to be aware of.

Where does eczema show up – what parts of the body?

Eczema tends to develop in places like your arms, legs, face/cheeks, hands, elbows, and knees but it can appear anywhere on your body.

How do you treat it?

The key to addressing eczema is figuring out the underlying problem first. Let me just preface this by saying, healing isn’t linear. It is a series of trial and error tests to figure out what the root cause of your inflammation may be.

Once you’re aware of any specific triggers, you can take care to avoid them or make necessary lifestyle adjustments.

Interestingly enough, research shows that people with eczema may have a mutation gene creating filaggrin, a protein that protects and serves the barrier of the skin. Without enough filaggrin, moisture will escape, and bacteria can enter.

This is why some people with atopic dermatitis also suffer with dry skin.

Lifestyle changes to relieve symptoms

If you’re eczema is severe and not responding to topical treatments other options include phototherapy aka light therapy. LED treatments have proven highly effective in soothing and calming inflamed skin.

Foods high in flavonoids and powerful antioxidants like apples, blueberries, cherries, spinach and kale have shown a notable difference in combating flare-ups. These specific foods act as a natural antihistamine in the body.

Epsom salt bathes can give your skin an extra boost of magnesium which will also soothe your dry skin.

Taking a daily probiotic can bring your gut health back into check. Many times our diet isn’t consistent which can be the cause of inflammation in our bodies.

It’s recommend to take a high-quality vitamin D supplement to help boost your intake, especially during flares. (Work with your provider for a personalized plan and dosage instructions.)

Moisturize after bathing and when your skin feels dry. Keeping your skin hydrated helps form a barrier between you and the world. To avoid irritating your skin, use a fragrance-free cream or ointment instead of a lotion.

Protect your skin from extreme temperatures. Cold temperatures can dry your skin, which can make eczema flare up. When you get overheated and sweat, the sweat can also trigger an episode.

Our suggestion

Eczema on the face can be difficult to treat. The skin on our face is thinner and more sensitive than the skin on the rest of our body.

If your eczema is extremely stubborn, a visit to the dermatologist for topical steroids may be your answer. Every person is different, so specific treatments for eczema vary. However, the best thing you can do is calm the inflammation in the skin using emollients paired with excellent skin care.

If you’ve been struggling to manage your eczema symptoms book an appointment with us and we can get you started on your healing journey to clear skin!

Cheers to clear,


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