How to choose the right facial cleanser for your skin type - Beach Beauty Bar and Acne Clinic
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How to choose the right facial cleanser for your skin type

Facial Cleanser and Skincare isn’t a one-size-fits-all

So you’re probably wondering how to pick the right facial cleanser for your skin type? We understand…it’s scary to take a big leap into a whole new skincare kit. It’s nerve racking to invest in just another program that may or may not work to get you clear. You’ve probably spent hundreds if not thousands on skincare products claiming to clear acne. You don’t have to figure this stuff out on your own.

Do you want clear skin?

That’s where we come in. Consider this your call for help answered

You might be looking at our website wondering, “Maybe I should just start with a facial cleanser. Maybe that would help me a lot.”

If you are like most of our acne clients when they first come to us, you might think that a choosing a medicated cleanser would be your best option.

So…you order the Mandelic Wash or the Benz Cleanse and hope that this might just do the trick on its own without having to to go through a consultation.

Whoa! Think again.

First of all, a facial cleanser by itself isn’t going to clear your skin; however we do applaud you for taking the first step into our renowned skincare system. There’s a wealth of helpful knowledge here about the Do’s and Don’ts of washing your face however if you have your heart set on buying a cleanser we have a suggesting for you.

If you just want to try a cleanser, start with Go Gently.

There’s a myth about acne

And here’s why. Most people think that they should dry it up in order to clear it. So they use lots of products that dry out the skin.

Wrong answer friends.

Finding the right facial cleanser is an imperative first step.

Washing your face with a drying medicated facial cleanser can literally strip your skin of all its moisture and create a buildup of dead skin cells causing clogged pores that in turn produce more acne. It’s a very vicious cycle we’re all too familiar with. We take a kinder, more moisturizing approach to healing acne-prone skin. Our recommendation is to start almost every single client, even the oiliest of the oily, on Go Gently Cleanser. We don’t want to aggravate or over dry your skin with a medicated cleanser.

So there you have it…if you want to avoid a consultation and try to get started on your own…choose Go Gently cleanser.

Do you feel like you’ve tried everything with zero results?

We clear clients who have tried everything from Accutane to oral antibiotics to very aggressive extractions. We understand acne and have been clearing it for many years.

Our acne clients range in age from 12 to 65. We are versed in all forms of acne, including hormonal acne developed in the teens to perimenopausal acne in the 40’s and 50’s. We also treat and understand the hormonal fluctuations associated with pregnancy and postpartum.

We’re obsessive about skincare, compassionate about our clients and merciless over acne. We take no prisoners in this war on pimples, pustules and comedones. With our help our clients go from broken-out and broken-hearted to clear and confident. It’s our passion and nothing gives us greater pleasure than clearing acne.

How We Are Different

Stop Googling and Start Clearing

When you work with us, you are basically hiring a skincare coach. With a simple text message, we will answer all of your questions.

Is this shampoo acne-safe?
Can I eat seaweed?
Would tea tree oil help clear me more quickly?
Finding the right facial cleanser.

It doesn’t matter what your questions are, you will now have your very own Google who knows acne inside and out.

You can stop trying to hodge podge your own acne clearing program and rest easy knowing that we are going to guide you…every. step. of. the. way.

We access your skin every two weeks and adjust your routine accordingly. Our acne specialist will review your makeup and haircare and even provide recipe ideas for eating for clear skin. We leave no stone left unturned when it comes to helping you clear.

There’s nothing like it. All of our clients clear beautifully when they follow our gentle guidance.

Cheers to clear!


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