Spot Treat Acne Breakouts Correctly - Beach Beauty Bar and Acne Clinic

Spot Treat Acne Breakouts Correctly

When breakouts start to push their way through the surface of the skin, many of us enter spot treat attack mode. Forget letting it run its course. It’s all about acting fast and breaking out the heavy artillery. Enter super spot treatment mode asap!

However, spot treating will not cure acne and it is a common mistake that many acne sufferers make. They apply a spot treatment every night onto the active pimples. The problem with this is it’s not treating the pimples that they can’t see on the surface of their skin. There are always baby pimples that are in the formation stage right under the surface of our skin when we are breaking out.

Do you want clear skin?

If you suffer from acne, then you probably spend a lot of time thinking about skincare and trying to reduce the severity of your breakouts.

Unfortunately, some of the common methods people who suffer from acne employ to treat or manage their breakouts may actually do more harm than good. It’s best to treat the entire area well. When you apply an acne treatment to the entire face, back or chest, you are treating the whole area so that you kill the things you can’t see.

So what is the “correct” way to spot treat?

Resist Touching, Picking, and Popping your Acne

Popping a pimple may seem like the fastest way to clear it, but popping it can actually make things worse.

Every time you touch, pick, or pop, you can worsen acne. Picking at your acne will cause trauma to your skin, which in turn leads to inflammation, infection, and potentially a scar.

Translation: Not only will it not get rid of spots fast, it will take them twice as long to disappear.

Solution! When you’re dealing with a red, inflamed pimple, head to your freezer instead of trying to pop it. Applying ice directly to the blemish will help to decrease inflammation, reducing the size and visibility of the spot.

After cleansing, apply ice directly to the affected area and massage over skin. Try to ice for 3-4 minutes, until the face is quite numb. Repeat throughout the day to relieve pain and temporarily reduce swelling.

Treat ALL Acne-Prone Skin, Not Just Your Blemishes

The biggest misconception is that spot treatments can effectively treat acne on their own. Spot treatments are just that… they treat the spot that you apply it on, and often don’t even treat the spot effectively.

Spot treatments do not prevent acne from forming, so they don’t offer an effective, long-term treatment. Applying a thin layer of your product on your acne-prone skin helps treat existing acne and prevent new breakouts.

Beach Beauty Bar’s Spot Treatment

We introduce a spot treatment about six to eight weeks into our program. We usually add Spot On 10/3 or 5/3 into a routine and it always follows a full application of wipe out first.

The way it’s done is you would apply wipe out 5 or wipe out 10 to the entire face, chest or back, and then you would spot treat any active pimples with the spot treatment.

Spot on 5/3 and Spot on 10/3 also can be used as a weekly mask.  Cleanse your face, apply Spot On thick like a mask to the entire face or affected area and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Remove Spot On with a warm 4×4 esthetic wipe or wash cloth. Follow with toner and moisturizer.

The Spot Treat Takeaway

Implementing a skincare routine is no different than working out or learning a new language—if you want to see results, consistency is key. With some consistent work & tweaking of your daily lifestyle, virtually every case of acne can be cleared.

The bottom line: spot treatments address the symptom, not the cause, of acne. A dab of benzoyl peroxide gel might clear up the occasional spot, but if you have recurring widespread breakouts, scheduling an appointment is your best bet. We can tailor a treatment plan to your unique needs with our expertise & get you on your road to healing after your first visit.

Are you ready to go all in for clear skin? Book your initial appointment today!

Cheers to clear!


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