Taking Zinc to Clear Acne - Beach Beauty Bar and Acne Clinic
taking zinc to clear acne

Taking Zinc to Clear Acne

Have you ever considered taking zinc to clear acne? Research over the past four decades has surprisingly shown clear benefits of using this supplement as a cure for acne woes. Zinc supplements have been touted as an acne treatment for years. Low doses are typically considered safe for most people, but can zinc really help you get rid of your pimples? If so, what’s the evidence and how much should you take?

Let’s get right down to it.

Do you want clear skin?

While zinc isn’t a magical cure-all for acne, it turns out that many acne sufferers are deficient in zinc.

And their acne often improves when they start supplementing it!

Think Zinc to Clear Acne

Studies have shown people who took 50-100mg of zinc a day had reduced inflammation and redness with their acne.

How does zinc work to combat acne? Zinc can help regulate sebum (also known as oil) production. But here’s the thing: Sebum is both friend and foe. Our sebaceous glands produce it because it helps our skin function. On the other hand, these glands can go into overproduction (due to stress or hormonal changes), leading to oily skin and acne production. Zinc can help keep overproduction at bay.

Why is Zinc Important for Clear Skin?

Zinc is found in every single cell in your body, and more than 100 different enzymes need it to function. Skin cells are particularly dependent on zinc’s powerful properties—in fact, the top layer of your skin is concentrated with up to six times more of the mineral than is found in the lower layers.

Zinc is a Natural Antibiotic

Zinc is naturally antibacterial which reduces the effect bacteria has on the skin. And interestingly, our bodies don’t naturally produce it, which is why we need to get it through food or supplements. Zinc is necessary for collagen synthesis and when deficient, the keratin in the skin can be more ‘sticky,’ resulting in more clogged pores.

Antibiotics are generally used in moderate to severe acne, and their efficacy seems to be due to anti-inflammatory effects as well as antibacterial properties. They are not as utilized in the treatment of acne in our clinic as the underlying causes of acne can be treated in other safer more productive ways.

Four things cause acne: follicular occlusion, oil production, growth of an organism in clogged oily pores, and inflammation.

When we get rid of two of these four factors, we cannot make acne anymore. Zinc addresses all four factors above; antibiotics only help with two.  

What’s The Best Type of Zinc Supplement for Acne?

Zinc is available in capsules, tablets, creams, ointments, and a liquid form. But what is the best type to use for acne?

We recommend OptiZinc. (link to zinc in our store) Make sure when you purchase Zinc it is zinc monomethionine because that specific type is the most bio-available form and acts as an anti-inflammatory.

One of the reasons that we like and sell OptiZinc is that it contains copper. Copper is one of the minerals that can be depleted by taking zinc supplements. OptiZinc contains 30 mg of Zinc Monomethionine and 300 mcg of copper.

How Much Zinc Do I Need to Clear Acne?

We recommend 30 mg of Zinc Monomethionine per day. Excessive zinc may lead to deficiencies in other vitamins and minerals.

Although zinc is nutritionally and physiologically important, it’s also possible to get too much. For teens, the suggested maximum daily amount is 34 mg.

If you eat or otherwise ingest too much zinc, you may experience:

  • abdominal pain
  • diarrhea
  • headaches
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • stomach upset

The following foods are rich in zinc:

  • red meat
  • beans
  • nuts (avoid peanuts)
  • poultry
  • hemp seeds
  • whole grains

So there you have it! The ABZ’s of zinc. We recommend 30 mg for our clients who have inflamed acne. Always take it with food, as it can upset the stomach.

Using Zinc Topically in SPF

We also love using zinc topically in SPF. It is a mineral that protects against UVA and UVB rays. Sensitive-skin patients, rosacea patients and acne patients all benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of zinc oxide. Our favorite go-to product for the beach is Sol RX.

What’s the Bottom Line for Zinc and Acne?

Taking zinc to clear acne, alone, will not cure acne. However, when used in combination with the proper skincare and healthy nutritional and lifestyle choices, it helps expedite healing.

Eat a well-balanced diet rich in beans, nuts, fresh fruits, and veggies and moderate amounts of whole grains, lean meats, and certain seafood*. Minimize dairy consumption because it’s becoming the dietary equivalent of the “perfect storm” for acne.

Remember, using the right acne skin care routine is a critical step in treating your acne. Click here to get your acne safe zinc supplement today and be on your way to beginning your clear skin journey.

If you are ready for a customized skincare routine, schedule an initial consultation and treatment, so we can get you on the road to clear!

Cheers to clear!


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