The Cause of Acne is Not Bad Luck - Beach Beauty Bar and Acne Clinic
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The Cause of Acne is Not Bad Luck

The cause of your acne breakouts is not bad luck. Did you know luck has nothing to do with having clear skin? Have you ever had a monstrous pimple that keeps you from leaving the comforts of your own home until it’s gone? It’s an unfortunate fact that acne plagues most people at some point, whether it’s an occasional breakout or embarrassing blemishes that never seem to clear.

The good news is, you can heal acne naturally, without harsh, ineffective topicals or dangerous medications. It doesn’t have to “get worse before it gets better.” It can just get better, and fast by addressing all the underlying root causes.

Do you want clear skin?

You can get clear skin with a customized plan that takes you from broken out and broken hearted to clear and confident! You just need a plan!

The Root Cause of Acne Not Bad Luck

Trying to treat acne solely with topicals is a losing battle. Since you’re here, you’ve probably already realized that. Skin is an organ, and most acne starts internally, with inflammation. Putting zit cream on top without addressing what is going on underneath through diet and lifestyle factors is like playing whack-a-mole with your face. Those buggers are going to just keep popping back up. If you want to wake up every morning acne-free, you must address the underlying root causes.

For the vast majority of acne sufferers, age, bad luck and bad genes are not to blame. Acne is NOT a teenage right of passage, nor something adults are immune to.

Dietary intake of certain processed, deep-fried, and sugary foods can increase inflammation in the body that can contribute to breakouts. Furthermore, if there isn’t adequate nutrition in your diet, you may be deficient in certain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that contribute to healthy skin and protect against inflammation present from every day stressors. Luck has nothing to do with lifestyle choices either.

Over 100 research studies on acne have indicated that there are a variety of different underlying factors which cause acne, including:

Nutrient deficiencies

Dietary inadequacies

Chronic inflammation

Hormone imbalances

Gut disturbances, such as leaky gut, dysbiosis, or SIBO

Insulin resistance


The Good News?

While seemingly disparate, all of these underlying root causes can be traced back to diet & lifestyle factors. When you address diet & lifestyle, you can heal acne naturally! If you have tried everything and feel there is no hope to clear your acne, please think again. We clear clients who have tried everything from Accutane to oral antibiotics to very aggressive extractions. We understand acne and have been clearing it for many years.

Your Products Cause Acne Not Bad Luck

Even your most tried-and-true cosmetics could be the reason you’re suddenly breaking out!

Products like coconut oil have one of the highest comedogenic ratings. That it’s a big problem for sensitive or blemish-prone skin. This means coconut oil can’t penetrate the pores and actually can suffocate your skin and will clog your pores because it sits on top of the skin.

Not all products in any one specific brand of make-up are safe

For instance, Bare Minerals has always been thought of as being acne safe. Except, they have some products that contain pore clogging ingredients–not safe at all. MAC makeup is infamously known for its pore clogging makeup, but they actually have several products that won’t break you out.

Start With The Basics To Clear Acne


One of the most common acne skin care mistakes: over-cleansing and over-stripping. Anyone with persistent acne should avoid cleansing the skin too frequently (more than twice a day). Instead, opt for a gentle cleanser, Go Gently that removes impurities and replenishes skin all in one easy step.


Beach Beauty Bar utilizes a clear-skin system that will have your acne under control in about three to four months, depending on your type of acne. Proper treatment is a pertinent piece of the puzzle when it comes to getting clear! We combine the power of clinical-grade products that are customized for your type of acne, with a series of bi-monthly treatments.


Did you know that dry skin is probably the number one cause of acne breakouts? Usually, bacteria can grow in these glands, and that’s what causes acne. Problems occur when your skin is very dry as it means you have dry flakes of skin blocking or clogging your pores.

So, if you keep your skin hydrated, you will help stop dry skin and prevent acne breakouts from starting. This is such a simple idea that so many people neglect as they don’t realize that dry skin is such an acne culprit!

Luck Has Nothing To Do With Clear Skin

Remember, using the right acne skin care routine and taking good care of your skin is important for more than just your appearance. As the largest organ you have, your skin is essential to your general health. If you take care of it, it can help take care of you. This is why it is so important to have a well-thought-out skin care plan. It is absolutely worth the time and energy to take care of your skin on a daily basis. It is a critical step in treating your acne.

So if you’re still wishin’ hopin’ and prayin’ for clear skin –  schedule your initial consultation and treatment with us today and be on your way to beginning your clear skin journey with a customized plan just for you!

Cheers to clear!


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