TikTok's Chlorophyll Craze Debunked - Beach Beauty Bar and Acne Clinic

TikTok’s Chlorophyll Craze Debunked

If you have a TikTok account — you may have heard about the latest wellness trend: chlorophyll. A few drops added to water is supposed to treat acne, prevent cancer, detoxify the body and boost energy levels. But does it really?

That’s a lot of power for a dropperful of green liquid.

Do you want clear skin?

If you’ve struggled with acne, you’ve probably tried every treatment under the sun to get rid of it. From witch hazel and toothpaste to benzoyl peroxide and retinoids, there are a thousand acne solutions out there, some arguably more effective and safe than others.

Now, there’s a hot new acne-fighting ingredient on the scene: chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll has recently taken over TikTok’s skincare corner, with every video claiming that adding a few drops of this supplement to your water will miraculously make your acne disappear. But are these claims really valid, or is chlorophyll just another skincare fad?

Spoiler Alert! There’s no magic pill that will substitute a good well-rounded diet but here’s what we found out.

What is Chlorophyll?

The chlorophyll we’re talking about is the very same one that gives plants their green pigment. This chemical helps plants transform light into chemical energy and is sometimes used by humans as a supplement or medicine.

Chlorophyll is said to be effective in treating acne, inflammation, wound healing, bad breath and odor. Unfortunately, there has been limited research to prove any of these benefits yet.

However, chlorophyll DOES have high concentrations of vitamins A, C, E and K, as well as antioxidant properties. These could potentially benefit the skin by fighting off free-radical damage.

Can Chlorophyll Treat Acne?

The big question remains – will this plant-based chemical clear your acne when nothing else will? Sadly, the answer is not by itself.

You may remember learning in high school science about chlorophyll as part of photosynthesis.

The chlorophyll in plant cells uses sunlight to make food from carbon dioxide and water, and generates oxygen as a byproduct. Plants need it, but it’s not a necessary nutrient or compound for humans, which is partly why chlorophyll supplements haven’t been extensively studied.

In other words, take all TikTok advice with a grain of salt.

& here’s why…

Should You Drink Chlorophyll if TikTok says so?

The trials and research on this are still being done, but there is some evidence that supports orally taken chlorophyll in an anti-aging regimen. Chlorophyll’s natural antioxidants are thought to fight free radical damage – leading to improvement in signs of skin aging, such as decreased wrinkles and repairing DNA damage.

BUT – and this is a heavy BUT, you should ALWAYS consult with your primary care physician before taking supplements of any kind.

Is Chlorophyll Dangerous?

Despite the lack of research, chlorophyll shows some promising benefits for the skin. But, taking too much chlorophyll can actually do more harm than good.

More often than not, chlorophyll can be obtained through a diet with a healthy dose of green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and parsley.

However, chlorophyll in a supplement form equates to 10 TIMES the amount found in a cup of spinach. Over time, chlorophyll can build up and line the blood vessels in your skin, causing photosensitization.

Some people taking chlorophyll supplements also find themselves with green excrement, yellow or black tongues, stomach pains, loose stools. To top it off, the product’s safety has not yet been screened for pregnant women. These are all more than good enough reasons to be cautious with this particular TikTok trend.

Final Thoughts on TikTok Chlorophyll

Ultimately, you’ll get enough chlorophyll in your body with a healthy diet. But, if you do want to try out a supplement, talk to your doctor first to see if it’s safe for you and follow any dosage instructions closely.

And remember that information about photosynthesis?

Turns out that what’s good for plants isn’t necessarily good for humans. Chlorophyll is a photosensitizer. It helps plants absorb sunlight (including UV light) in order to store energy.

That means that some people taking chlorophyll supplements may develop severe photosensitivity (becoming much more likely to get a sunburn) or pseudoporphyria. This causes extreme skin fragility and blisters to form on the hands and feet.

If you want to save yourself from buying a $39 bottle of liquid chlorophyll, just buy a $4 bag of spinach. Because you are not only getting the benefits of chlorophyll but fiber, vitamins, minerals and a ton of antioxidants. The truth is – there’s little science behind the trend and it’s probably healthier to just eat your leafy greens instead!

Are you ready to take your skincare journey to the next level? Schedule your initial consultation today & let us get you on the path to glowing complexion success.

Cheers to clear!


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